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Is Teflon casing flame-retardant?

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Is Teflon casing flame-retardant?

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2019-05-06 09:45
  • Views:

Is Teflon casing flame-retardant?

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2019-05-06 09:45
  • Views:

  We all know that the Teflon tube is resistant to high and low temperatures, -180℃~+260℃, and the high temperature resistance of 260 degrees is equivalent to the realm that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water. Can they be flame retardant?

  First of all, everyone should understand the meaning of flame-retardant. Flame-retardant means that this item is not easy to burn or will extinguish itself after leaving the fire. Let me give you an example. The paper is ready at a point and can be a combustion-supporting agent to help combustion. The paper is not flame retardant.

  In order to solve everyone’s doubts, the editor just used a lighter to burn the Teflon tube for one minute (the temperature of the yellow flame of the lighter is about 200℃). The Teflon tube does not have any sparks, and there is no flame leaving the fire source. The burnt Teflon tube turned into black powder. Without the temperature of a flame, Teflon can withstand a temperature of 260°C without melting.

  Strictly speaking, Teflon tube is flame-retardant and not flame-retardant. According to Baidu's explanation of flame-retardant, "this item is not easy to burn or will go out after leaving the fire." Teflon tube is flame-retardant. But you have to use it as a kind of flame-retardant material, let it become a shield, burn at high temperature, the burning time is too long, it will turn into powder, the shield loses its protective function, and the Teflon tube will not achieve the flame-retardant effect. . So whether it is flame retardant or not depends on how you use it.

  Teflon hose is also called PTFE tube, F4 tube, PTFE tube, PTFE tube, Teflon tube, Teflon tube, Teflon tube, Teflon tube, Teflon tube, Teflon tube Long tube, Teflon casing, PTFE casing, plastic king tube. 

  Common colors are: milky white, translucent, black 

  Other colors are: yellow, brown, green, blue, red

  The main purpose: 

  1. Cover and protect the joint parts of the machine for chemical resistance and non-adhesive liquid transfer

  2. Protection of the sensor 

  3. Non-adhesive metal balls 

  4. Drug coating under high temperature 

  5. Optical fiber cover 

  Due to the excellent performance of Teflon tube, it is now widely used in all walks of life. 

  main feature: 

  1. High chemical stability: can withstand all strong acids, including aqua regia, hydrofluoric acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, fuming sulfuric acid, organic acids, etc., strong alkalis, strong oxidants, reducing agents and various organic solvents . It is very suitable for feeding high-purity chemicals. 

  2. Low coefficient of friction: The coefficient of friction is generally only 0.04, which is a very excellent self-lubricating material, and the coefficient of friction does not change with changes in temperature. 

  3. Excellent anti-sticking property, and the inner wall of the tube is not easy to adhere to colloids and chemicals. 

  4. Excellent aging resistance, can be used outdoors for a long time. 

  5. Excellent electrical insulation performance: PTFE is a highly non-polar material with good dielectric properties, great resistance, and a dielectric constant of about 2.0, which is the smallest among all electrical insulation materials. 

  6. Some tubes have high transparency, and the internal fluid condition can be easily observed.

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