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Is Teflon hose corrosion resistant?

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Is Teflon hose corrosion resistant?

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2019-07-22 09:59
  • Views:

Is Teflon hose corrosion resistant?

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2019-07-22 09:59
  • Views:

  Is Teflon hose corrosion resistant?

  Teflon hose is also called Teflon hose. It is made of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE commonly known as Teflon, plastic king) material after extrusion and sintering, then drying, high temperature sintering, material shaping and other processes. Performance pipes.

  Teflon hose has extremely high chemical stability and can withstand all strong acid test chemical solvents, including nitric acid, aqua regia, concentrated hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, organic acid, fuming sulfuric acid, etc.; especially suitable for chemical solvent equipment Of delivery.

  Teflon hose has good anti-sticking properties, and the inner wall of the tube is not easy to adhere to colloidal materials and chemical viscous products. Especially for pectin, gelatin and other high-viscosity colloids, it can work perfectly.

  The excellent aging resistance and high and low temperature resistance of Teflon hose can be used in many harsh environments, and can transport fluid materials between -70 degrees and high temperature 260 for a long time.

  Teflon hoses are created for chemical solvent transportation and can achieve high performance and long service life that ordinary hoses can’t match.


  1. Liquid crystal manufacturing device;

  2. The whole body single-end light-emitting single-core optical fiber tube;

  3. Heat exchanger and steam piping;

  4. High purity reagent delivery tube;

  5. Various corrosive media (harsh solvents) pipelines;

  6. Various frequency wire and cable sheath and insulating tube.

  Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in R&D and sales of fluoroplastic materials. It has advanced equipment and a senior R&D team. It has cooperation with Huawei, Midea, ZTE, Intel, AirTAC, and Foxconn. The company’s main products are PTFE Ethylene pipes, polyperfluoroethylene propylene pipes, soluble polytetrafluoroethylene, polyvinylidene fluoride, and can process and produce various specifications of fluoroplastic products according to customer requirements.

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