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Cancellation of export tariffs, fluorine chemical industry's boom can be expected

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Cancellation of export tariffs, fluorine chemical industry's boom can be expected

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2016-04-25 17:47
  • Views:

Cancellation of export tariffs, fluorine chemical industry's boom can be expected

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2016-04-25 17:47
  • Views:

  In the list of products that have been cancelled for export tariffs recently announced on the Ministry of Finance’s website, the export tariffs on hydrofluoric acid have been reduced from the original 10% to zero tariffs. This policy will be implemented from May 1st. However, due to the peak demand season and low industry inventories, refrigerant products such as R22 and R125 have seen collective price increases. The industry predicts that the boom of the fluorine chemical industry is expected to increase due to the peak demand season and the abolition of export tariffs.

  The latest developments of domestic hydrofluoric acid manufacturers show that in April, the quotations generally increased by 200 yuan/ton, and the retail transaction prices of some manufacturers increased by 400-500 yuan/ton, with the highest increase of nearly 8%. Due to the peak season for downstream refrigerant demand, manufacturers generally raise prices for sales. At the same time, the industry's operating load is low, and the supply in the market only maintains demand, and there is basically no inventory. The cancellation of export tariffs on hydrofluoric acid will further increase the export volume.

  As for downstream refrigerants, prices of R22 and R125 are generally increased by 200-500 yuan/ton due to the peak demand season. In addition, in accordance with the "Montreal Protocol" agreement, my country's refrigerant R22 production will be reduced by 10% in 2015 and 67.5% by 2025, which is also conducive to reducing industry supply and improving the supply and demand pattern.

  2015 was the first year that R22 was officially reduced. The Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a production quota of 274,000 tons, a reduction of 11% from last year. The total demand for R22 is about 260,000 tons, and the difference between supply and demand is 14,000 tons. Compared with the difference of 19,000 tons last year, there is a further narrowing trend. The above data shows that the tight supply and demand pattern of R22 in 2015 may continue, and the price of R22 is expected to continue its upward trend.

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