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Congratulations to Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. for becoming a member of the Fluorine Plastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association

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Congratulations to Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. for becoming a member of the Fluorine Plastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2018-05-29 16:58
  • Views:

Congratulations to Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. for becoming a member of the Fluorine Plastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2018-05-29 16:58
  • Views:


  On May 3, 2018, the Fluoroplastics Processing Committee of China Plastics Association completed the supervision and review of our company. According to research, our company meets the requirements of the Fluoroplastics Processing Committee of China Plastics Association. Member of the Plastic Processing Professional Committee.

  The Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association (referred to as the Fluoro Specialty Committee), established in 1992, is a professional committee under the China Plastics Processing Industry Association. It is engaged in fluoroplastics processing and related enterprises and scientific research A social organization for economic and technical cooperation formed voluntarily by institutions, universities and colleges. At present, the Fluorine Specialty Committee of China Plastics Association has more than 130 member units distributed in more than 20 provinces and municipalities across the country, representing the highest level of the domestic fluoroplastics processing industry.

  The successful joining of the Fluoroplastics Processing Committee of the China Plastics Association is not only a full affirmation of our company's fluoroplastics industry strength, performance, and comprehensive capabilities, but also has a positive effect on enhancing the company's image and standardizing business behavior.

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