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The progress of energy conservation and emission reduction targets is lagging behind the 12 military regulations of the Development and Reform Commission

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The progress of energy conservation and emission reduction targets is lagging behind the 12 military regulations of the Development and Reform Commission

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2013-09-01 17:13
  • Views:

The progress of energy conservation and emission reduction targets is lagging behind the 12 military regulations of the Development and Reform Commission

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2013-09-01 17:13
  • Views:

  The current situation of energy conservation and emission reduction is still grim. To achieve the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" goals and tasks, the average annual energy consumption per unit of GDP in the next three years needs to be reduced by 3.84%, which is 1.03 percentage points higher than the average drop in the previous two years. This year, the national energy consumption per unit of GDP reduction target is more than 3.7%

  On the 27th, the National Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Strengthening Work to Ensure the Realization of Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Goals and Tasks in 2013", and proposed 12 measures to ensure the completion of the 2013 goals and tasks and to achieve the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" binding targets for energy conservation and emission reduction. Lay the foundation. The notice requires that energy conservation and emission reduction are used to force industrial transformation and rapid transformation of development methods, make greater determination, use greater force, and adopt more powerful policies and measures to ensure that the energy consumption per unit of GDP in the country in 2013 will drop by more than 3.7%.

  Since the beginning of this year, my country’s energy consumption intensity has slowed down, and the pressure on pollutant emissions has increased. At the same time, the completion of energy conservation and emission reduction targets is lagging behind. To achieve the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" goals and tasks, the average annual energy consumption per unit of GDP in the next three years needs to be reduced by 3.84%, which is 1.03 percentage points higher than the average decline in the previous two years. The platoon situation remains grim. This year, the national energy consumption per unit GDP reduction target is more than 3.7%. The current situation of energy conservation and emission reduction is still severe, and the task of achieving the energy conservation and emission reduction targets in the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" is even more arduous.

  12 measures to strengthen energy conservation and emission reduction target responsibilities

  To this end, the notice proposes 12 measures, including strengthening energy conservation and emission reduction target responsibilities, adjusting and optimizing the industrial structure, accelerating the implementation of key projects, promoting energy conservation in key areas, promoting the emission reduction of major pollutants, vigorously developing a circular economy, accelerating energy conservation and emission reduction technologies and Product development and promotion, improvement of economic policies for energy conservation and emission reduction, implementation of a market-based mechanism for energy conservation and emission reduction, strengthening of management and supervision of energy conservation and emission reduction, and national actions for energy conservation and emission reduction. These measures have been clearly divided between the Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Energy Bureau and other relevant departments.

  The National Development and Reform Commission stated that all regions should strengthen the use of assessment results and honor rewards and punishments; regions with lagging progress in energy conservation and emission reduction and with a trend of “slowing the front and tightening the rear” should readjust their annual targets for the next three years and carry out related work arrangements. Among them, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the National Energy Administration and other departments will be responsible for promoting the elimination of backward production capacity. The National Development and Reform Commission requires that in conjunction with the work of resolving the contradiction of overcapacity, focusing on industries with severe overcapacity such as steel, cement, electrolytic aluminum, and flat glass, the tasks should be decomposed and implemented as soon as possible to specific enterprises, and the list of enterprises shall be announced, strengthen supervision and inspection, and be included in the announcement. The outdated equipment (production line) strives to be shut down before the end of September this year, and completely dismantled before the end of December, and cannot be transferred.

  To this end, my country will eliminate outdated thermal power capacity of over 2 million kilowatts, ironmaking 2.63 million tons, steelmaking 7.81 million tons, cement 73.45 million tons, electrolytic aluminum 273,000 tons, coal 45 million tons, and coke 14.05 million tons this year.

  The National Development and Reform Commission also requires the improvement of economic policies for energy conservation and emission reduction, adjustment and improvement of refined oil and natural gas price formation mechanisms, and strict implementation of differential electricity prices, punitive electricity prices, desulfurization electricity prices and denitrification electricity prices; Gas tiered price and non-residential water use over-quota progressive increase policy.

  At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission also requires the implementation of a differentiated pollution discharge fee policy, raises the discharge fee standard for major pollutants and heavy metal pollutants in sewage and waste gas, promotes the reform of garbage treatment charging methods, and studies and formulates emission rights transaction price management regulations. Appropriately adjust the collection standards of surface water and groundwater water resources fees, and implement a system of progressively charging water resources fees beyond the planned and over-quota.

  Fully support energy saving and green environmental protection industry

  The reporter noticed that this year’s energy conservation and emission reduction work has detailed quantitative tasks in optimizing the energy structure. The support for new energy and green energy-saving industries is obvious. It can be said that this is a gift to the "energy-saving and green-environmental protection industries." A "big red envelope" will inevitably bring benefits to related companies, especially leading companies.

  For example, in terms of adjusting and optimizing the energy structure, the notice proposes to start the construction of hydropower over 20 million kilowatts on the premise of protecting the ecology and resettlement, and start the construction of nuclear power with 3.35 million kilowatts on the basis of ensuring safety, and the installed scale of wind power and solar power plants. Respectively reach 80 million kilowatts and 16 million kilowatts.

  Furthermore, the notice proposes to continue to implement the "Green Building Action Plan", implement green building actions, urge all localities to formulate green building action implementation plans, clarify goals and tasks, and build more than 50 million square meters of green buildings throughout the year; and promote the creation of green ecological urban areas. Complete the heating metering and energy-saving renovation of 150 million square meters of existing residential buildings in northern heating areas, and 12 million square meters of energy-saving renovation of existing residential buildings in areas with hot summers and cold winters.

  In order to intensify the control of fine particulate matter (PM2.5), the notice also proposes to carry out pilot projects for total coal consumption control in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta and Shandong urban agglomerations, accelerate the replacement and utilization of clean energy, and speed up coal-fired boilers and kilns. Natural gas transformation of furnaces and self-contained coal-fired power stations.

  The notice also requires that the “Ten Hundred Thousand” demonstration actions of circular economy continue to be carried out. In 2013, 20 circular economy demonstration cities (counties), 10 national “urban minerals” demonstration bases, and 17 kitchen waste resource utilization cities pilot projects will be launched. And 28 remanufacturing pilots, as well as 20 parks for recycling transformation. In addition, continue to implement energy-saving products to benefit the people, promote 130 million high-efficiency lighting products, 1 million energy-saving cars, and 5 million kilowatts of high-efficiency motors to promote the market consumption of ultra-efficient energy-saving products.

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