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Teflon PFA tube performance advantages

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Teflon PFA tube performance advantages

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2019-04-01 17:59
  • Views:

Teflon PFA tube performance advantages

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2019-04-01 17:59
  • Views:

  Teflon PFA tube has excellent chemical stability, mechanical properties, electrical insulation, self-lubricating, non-stickiness, non-flammability and aging resistance. Its outstanding feature is that the melt viscosity is much lower than that of PTFE, so it can be processed by ordinary thermoplastic forming methods. Its product has good high temperature stability, and its high temperature mechanical strength is about twice that of PTFE. PFA membrane is softer than PTFE and has good flexural and crack resistance.

  1. PFA tube translucent granular material, injection molding, extrusion molding. The molding temperature is 475 degrees above 350-400 degrees.

  2. The molding temperature of the PFA tube should not exceed 475 degrees, the mold should be heated to 150-200 degrees, and the resistance of the pouring system to the flow of materials should be small.

  PFA pipe high temperature wire, cable insulation layer, anti-corrosion equipment, sealing material, pump valve bushing and chemical container.

  4. PFA pipes are suitable for manufacturing corrosion-resistant parts, anti-friction parts, sealing parts, insulating parts and medical equipment parts.

  5. The PFA pipe corrodes due to molten material. For long-term production, the mold needs to be chrome plated.

  PFA hose is a copolymer of perfluoropropyl perfluorovinyl ether and polytetrafluoroethylene. Compared with polytetrafluoroethylene, the cohesion in the melt is enhanced, and the viscosity of the solution is reduced, but the performance is unchanged. This resin can be directly processed into products by ordinary thermoplastic molding methods.

  (2) PFA hose has been used for a long time in the temperature range of -80~260℃. Some hoses have chemical resistance, corrosion resistance to all chemicals, and good electrical properties. Their electrical insulation is not affected by temperature, so they are called "the king of plastics."

  Its chemical resistance is similar to polytetrafluoroethylene and better than vinylidene fluoride.

  (4) Its creep resistance and compressive strength are better than PTFE, and its tensile strength is also higher than PTFE. Its elongation can reach 100-300%. It has good dielectric properties and excellent radiation resistance.

  Non-toxic: PFA hose is inert and can be implanted in the body.

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