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U.S. announces preliminary results of anti-dumping investigation against China's PTFE resin

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U.S. announces preliminary results of anti-dumping investigation against China's PTFE resin

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2018-05-19 17:55
  • Views:

U.S. announces preliminary results of anti-dumping investigation against China's PTFE resin

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2018-05-19 17:55
  • Views:

  On May 1, 2018 Washington time, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced the preliminary results of the anti-dumping investigation against China's polytetrafluoroethylene resin (Polytetrafluoroethylene Resin), ruling that the dumping margins of the two compulsory responding companies were 69.34% and 84.75%, and they received the respective tax rates. The dumping margin of enterprises was 78.74%, and the dumping margin of other Chinese companies was 208.16%. According to US statistics, in 2016, China exported US$24.6 million of products involved in the case to the US. The products involved are mainly attributable to the US Customs Tariff No. 3904.61.0010, 3904.61.0090 and 3904.69.5000. The U.S. Department of Commerce is expected to make a final ruling on this case on September 12, and the International Trade Commission will make a final ruling on damage on October 29. If the final determination of the damage is affirmative, the US Department of Commerce will issue a taxation order around November 5.

  For details of the case ruling, please refer to the website of the US Department of Commerce: https://enforcement.trade.gov/download/factsheets/factsheet-multiple-ptfe-resin-ad-prelim-050118.pdf.

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