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Dankai won the "Shenzhen Pavilion Outstanding Exhibition Award"

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Dankai won the "Shenzhen Pavilion Outstanding Exhibition Award"

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2014-03-20 16:00
  • Views:

Dankai won the "Shenzhen Pavilion Outstanding Exhibition Award"

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2014-03-20 16:00
  • Views:

  On March 5, 2014, the "2013 China International Green Innovation Technology Product Exhibition Summary and 2014 Shenzhen Energy-saving Enterprise Exchange Conference" was held in the Civic Center. As one of the companies in the Shenzhen Pavilion, Dankai actively responded to the call of the Association. The performance was particularly outstanding at the 2013 China International Green Innovation Technology Product Exhibition jointly sponsored by the China Enterprise Confederation and China Foreign Trade Center, and was awarded the "Shenzhen Pavilion Outstanding Exhibition Award".

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