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Work together to create global energy stability and security

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Work together to create global energy stability and security

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2006-12-20 17:20
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Work together to create global energy stability and security

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2006-12-20 17:20
  • Views:

Ma Kai, Director of the National Development and Reform Commission of China

Director of the Office of the National Energy Leading Group

(Beijing on December 16, 2006)

  Dear colleagues,

  Ladies and gentlemen, friends:

  Energy is an important material basis for the survival and development of human society. Every advance in the use of energy by humans has promoted economic and social development. At the same time, energy also has a strong restraining effect on economic and social development, and the carrying capacity of energy restricts the speed, structure and mode of economic and social development. In 100 years of the last century, developed countries, which accounted for 15% of the world’s population, consumed 60% of the world’s energy and 50% of mineral resources in the process of industrialization and modernization. Entering the new century 100 years or more, developing countries, including China, India, Brazil, etc., which account for 85% of the world’s population, will gradually realize industrialization and modernization. Judging from the historical process that mankind has gone through, industrialization is a historical stage in which social wealth accumulates rapidly and living standards rise rapidly, and it is also a historical stage in which energy resources are consumed. How to resolve the increasingly severe contradictions between population, resources, environment and the acceleration of industrialization and rapid economic growth is a major question that human development needs to answer.

  In recent years, the high volatility of international oil prices is a prominent reflection of this severe challenge. It needs to be pointed out that the international oil price once soared from 20-30 U.S. dollars per barrel to 70-80 U.S. dollars due to various reasons, including economic and non-economic factors. From the perspective of economic factors, with the recovery and accelerated growth of the world economy, the demand for oil has increased. In addition, the low oil price in the previous period has led to a reduction in oil refining input and insufficient oil refining capacity, which has affected oil prices to a certain extent. But on the whole, the supply and demand in the international oil market are basically balanced, and supply is slightly greater than demand. In the past ten years, the average annual growth of oil production and consumption has been around 1.7%, which is relatively stable. If there are no other factors, oil prices will rise to a certain extent, but the rate of increase will never be so high. From the perspective of non-economic factors, the difficulties of reconstruction in Iraq, the continuing tension of the Iranian nuclear issue, the outbreak of conflict between Lebanon and Israel, and the natural disasters caused by extreme weather have all played an important role in the rise of oil prices. Thousands of fund companies around the world have a large amount of speculative funds. Making waves and oil speculation has become an important reason for the extraordinary rise in oil prices. The rising and volatility of international oil prices have had a negative impact on the development of the world economy, and caused economic problems in some countries, especially developing countries, and it is also detrimental to the world's energy production and consumption.

  The Chinese government attaches great importance to energy issues. Not long ago, President Hu Jintao proposed at the dialogue meeting between the leaders of the Group of Eight in St. Petersburg and developing countries that in order to ensure global energy stability, security and sustainable development, a new energy security concept featuring mutually beneficial cooperation, diversified development, and coordinated protection should be established and implemented. He emphasized: to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in energy development and utilization, especially to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation between energy exporting countries and consuming countries, and between energy consuming countries, promote the development of oil and gas resources, realize the globalization and diversification of energy supply, and ensure stability A sustainable and sustainable international energy supply, to ensure reasonable international energy prices, and to ensure that the energy needs of all countries are met. The proposal of the new energy security concept is of great significance for maintaining global energy stability, security and sustainable development.

  Dear colleagues:

  In accordance with the requirements of the new energy security concept and the deployment of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" approved by the Fourth Session of the Tenth National People's Congress, China will, as always, work with other countries in the world to maintain global energy stability, security and sustainable development. In the coming period, China's energy policy is:

  First, saving priority. China attaches great importance to the issue of energy conservation, has long adhered to the policy of simultaneously developing development and conservation, and putting conservation in the first place. After unremitting efforts, significant results have been achieved in energy saving and efficiency improvement. Energy consumption per unit of GDP in 2005 was 46% lower than in 1990. The "Outline" of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" puts forward the goal of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20% by 2010 compared to 2005. Through structural adjustment, technological advancement, strengthening of management, deepening reforms, strengthening the rule of law and mobilizing the whole people, we will give full play to the role of market mechanisms and economic levers, comprehensively promote energy conservation and efficient use, and enhance energy conservation capabilities, and strive to build China into Resource-saving society.

  Second, be based in the country. For many years, China's energy self-sufficiency rate has remained above 90%. As a coal-based country, China's domestic energy supply has huge potential. Coal resources are abundant. Three-quarters of hydropower resources have not yet been developed. The application of nuclear power, wind power, solar energy and biomass energy has just started. Alternative energy sources such as fuel ethanol, coal-based alcohol ether fuel and coal liquefaction have broad development prospects. We will fully consider the characteristics of our own resources and our responsibility to maintain the stability of the international energy market, continue to adhere to relying mainly on domestic energy supply issues as the basic strategy to maintain China's energy security, accelerate the development of the energy industry, and enhance domestic energy supply capabilities.

  Third, diversified development. Adhere to coal-based and diversified development, and strive to build an energy structure with coal as the mainstay, power as the center, and comprehensive development of oil and gas and new energy. Strengthen the construction of large-scale coal bases; actively develop hydropower and nuclear power; strengthen domestic oil and gas exploration and development, stabilize and increase domestic oil and gas production; encourage the development of renewable energy such as wind, solar, and biomass energy, and actively develop and utilize geothermal and ocean energy. In 2020, the proportion of renewable energy will be increased from the current 7% to about 16%.

  Fourth, protect the environment. The Chinese government attaches great importance to energy and environmental issues and regards environmental protection as an important part of its energy policy. Over the past 20 years, China has made remarkable progress in energy and environmental protection. Despite the substantial increase in thermal power installations, the total smoke and dust emissions of power plants have remained at the 1980 level. China's future energy development will take into account the dual requirements of economy and cleanliness, minimize the negative impact of energy development and utilization on the environment, and strive to achieve the coordinated development of energy and the environment. We encourage the development of advanced energy technologies such as coal washing, processing and transformation, advanced combustion, and flue gas purification. New (expanded) coal-fired power plants shall simultaneously construct desulfurization facilities and accelerate the desulfurization transformation of existing coal-fired power plants. In the next five years, China's total emissions of major pollutants such as sulfur dioxide will drop by 10%.

  Fifth, strengthen cooperation. The Chinese government has participated in multiple multilateral energy cooperation mechanisms. It is a full member of the International Energy Forum (IEF), World Energy Conference (WEC), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), ASEAN+3, Asia-Pacific Partnership (APP) and other mechanisms. Charter observers also maintain close contact with international energy organizations such as the International Energy Agency. At the same time, China has established an energy bilateral dialogue mechanism with the United States, Japan, the United Kingdom, India, the European Union, and OPEC. In the future, we will continue to adhere to equality and mutual benefit, win-win cooperation, treat each other with sincerity, and strengthen communication. Starting from the overall situation of maintaining global energy security, we will make full use of the complementarity of resources, economy, technology and other aspects of all parties, and actively carry out the energy sector. global cooperation.

  Dear colleagues:

  The combined population of China, India, Japan, South Korea and the United States reached 2.85 billion, and total oil consumption accounted for 45.2% of the world's total. In the energy field, our five countries have common interests and also face common problems. We come together today to hold this meeting to send a rational and positive signal to the world, that is: the world’s major energy consumers should strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation, jointly promote oil conservation, improve energy efficiency, and vigorously develop alternative oil. , Reduce excessive dependence on oil, strengthen technical cooperation research and joint development, and focus on energy and environmental protection. We should treat each other with frankness, sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win, common development, clarify the priorities, step by step, strengthen services, and provide convenience, and strive to seek common points in the interests of all parties in energy cooperation, according to the needs of economic and social development of all parties. , Focus on long-term and stable strategic cooperation, select key areas and key projects, strengthen dialogue between government authorities, deepen communication and exchanges between enterprises, build an open, transparent, competitive and effective energy market, and create a new type of multi-level and wide-ranging Energy international cooperation model. Here, I would like to put forward the following proposals regarding the strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation in energy between China, India, Japan, South Korea, and the United States:

  First, energy conservation cooperation. The five countries have broad prospects for cooperation in the field of energy conservation. The main aspects of cooperation are: First, exchange of experience in the formulation and implementation of energy conservation policies. Focus on cooperation and mutual exchanges in enterprise energy audits, energy-saving evaluation of investment projects, energy efficiency labels, and regional energy-saving performance appraisal systems. The second is to jointly promote the progress of energy-saving technology. Accelerating the technological upgrading of high energy-consuming industries such as metallurgy, building materials, and chemical industries and reducing energy consumption per unit of products are the focus of China's energy conservation. We hope to strengthen cooperation with you. Some Chinese companies, such as Huaneng Electric Power Group, are participating in the "Future Energy" research proposed by the US to explore cleaner coal-fired power generation technologies, hoping to get support from relevant parties. The third is to promote the application of advanced energy-saving equipment and products. China is accelerating the promotion of ten major energy-saving projects such as building energy saving and green lighting, and organizing the implementation of energy-saving work for 1,000 high-energy-consuming enterprises. There is great room and potential for the research, development, promotion and application of new energy-saving materials, new equipment, and new products. I hope to strengthen cooperation with other countries, and sincerely welcome companies from all countries to come to China for investment and cooperation in these fields.

  Second, cooperation in alternative energy sources. To reduce oil consumption as the main goal, strengthen technical exchanges and cooperation, promote the industrial development of coal liquefaction, coal-based alcohol ether fuel, biomass fuel ethanol and diesel, and directly replace petroleum fuel consumption; cooperate in the development of coal-based olefin chemical industry and substitute Petrochemical raw materials. At the same time, actively cooperate in the development of new energy, focusing on promoting the cooperation of new energy technologies such as megawatt wind power, agricultural and forestry biomass power generation, biogas power generation, and biomass solid molding fuels. Research and develop advanced technologies such as high-purity polysilicon, promote the application of solar photovoltaic power generation and thermal power generation technologies, and promote the industrial development of solar energy utilization.

  Third, oil reserve cooperation. The construction of China's petroleum reserve system has just started. The first phase of the reserve project under construction is mainly ground storage tanks. The next step is to study the construction of underground salt caverns, water-sealed caverns and other storage facilities. We hope to cooperate with other countries in terms of reserve engineering technology, operation management, etc., and exchange experience, so that China can learn from others and avoid detours in the process of establishing an oil reserve system.

  Fourth, energy information exchange. We hope to make full use of multilateral dialogue and cooperation mechanisms such as APEC Energy Working Group and International Energy Forum to strengthen exchanges on energy development status, policy orientation, strategic planning, etc., implement the Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI), promote information exchange and sharing, and deepen countries Understanding, enhancing trust and dispelling doubts, and providing high-quality and timely energy data for the market.

  Fifth, prospective technology research. The main direction of future energy technology development is the development of economical, efficient, and clean new energy sources. For example, hydrogen, as an energy carrier that can be obtained from multiple sources, will bring new changes to the clean utilization of energy; fuel cell power and distributed energy supply systems have clean and flexible characteristics, which will provide new end-use energy utilization. Important forms; advanced nuclear fuel cycle, fusion energy, natural gas hydrate and other new energy technologies have attracted more and more attention. In these forward-looking energy technology fields, governments and enterprises of various countries have extensive room for cooperation and have huge development potential. They should become the focus of energy technology research cooperation among our five countries.

  Sixth, increase energy supply. In order to promote the stable, safe and sustainable development of global energy, while actively promoting international exchanges and cooperation in energy-saving technologies, it is necessary to support relevant enterprises to jointly invest in the exploration and development of oil and gas resources in third countries, promote the improvement of the world's energy resource development technology level, and increase the global Energy supply capacity.

  Dear colleagues:

  Promoting global energy stability, security and sustainable development requires the participation of all parties. The government energy authority must strengthen guidance and coordination, create a good environment, and provide important guarantees; enterprises must increase their sense of responsibility, take effective measures, and play their due role. It is hoped that this meeting will further deepen the mutual understanding of the energy authorities of the five countries, and promote the enterprises of the five countries to conduct extensive and in-depth international cooperation in energy efficiency, alternative energy and transportation energy, so as to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. Let us join hands and make active efforts to maintain global energy stability, security and sustainable development.

  thank you all!

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