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Polypropylene futures contract unveiled at the Plastics Conference

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Polypropylene futures contract unveiled at the Plastics Conference

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2013-07-30 17:12
  • Views:

Polypropylene futures contract unveiled at the Plastics Conference

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2013-07-30 17:12
  • Views:

  According to the Futures Daily report, the polypropylene (PP) futures contract that has been approved was unveiled for the first time at the "2013 China Plastics Industry Conference" on the 5th. Tons/lot, the minimum price change is 5 yuan/ton.

  The price of polypropylene is closely related to the price trend of energy such as crude oil and propylene, and there are many factors affecting the relationship between supply and demand. In addition, because narrow-band polypropylene is mainly used to produce packaging woven bags for industrial and agricultural products, due to factors such as the industrial economic cycle, weather, and natural disasters, the price fluctuates sharply during the year, and the frequency of fluctuations is much higher than that of other resin varieties.

  According to the relevant person in charge of the DCE, in December 2001, the price of polypropylene once fell below 5,000 yuan/ton, and in June 2008 it rose to around 16,800 yuan/ton, and the price more than tripled. Even in ordinary years, most of the volatility of polypropylene prices exceeds 20%, and industrial customers face great risks of price fluctuations. The calls for listing polypropylene futures are getting higher and higher.

  According to reports, the domestic narrowband polypropylene market has a moderate scale and is more suitable for futures trading. In 2012, the consumption of narrow-band polypropylene in my country was about 5.944 million tons, calculated at an average monthly price of 11,200 yuan/ton, with a total value of about 66.5 billion yuan.

  The delivery areas of polypropylene futures will be distributed in consumption-based distribution centers such as Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Changzhou, Guangzhou, Weifang and Linyi. The above-mentioned areas are all areas with a net inflow of polypropylene, and their prices are more representative, and most of them are also delivery areas for varieties such as LLDPE and PVC, with relatively complete logistics facilities. Among them, changes in polypropylene prices in cities in eastern China such as Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou, and Changzhou often lead to price changes in other regions and will serve as benchmark delivery locations.

  In view of the characteristics of polypropylene production and continuous consumption throughout the year, the exchange has set up 12 contract months for polypropylene futures month by month, and implemented a warehouse receipt system for centralized cancellation in March each year. The contract month set for polypropylene futures is the same as that of the listed LLDPE, PVC and PTA, which is convenient for investors to carry out inter-variety arbitrage. At the same time, the minimum price change of 5 yuan/ton and the trading unit of 5 tons/lot are also the same The varieties of LLDPE and PVC are consistent.

  The relevant person in charge of DCE said that in the next step, the exchange will carry out a series of market opinions and suggestions solicitation activities, and will strive to be listed as soon as possible after the contract is approved.

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