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Dandi's 2010 New Year's Party was successfully held

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Dandi's 2010 New Year's Party was successfully held

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2010-01-28 16:01
  • Views:

Dandi's 2010 New Year's Party was successfully held

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2010-01-28 16:01
  • Views:

  The annual sales meeting ended successfully the day before. Dandi’s 2010 Spring Festival Gala followed closely. All the staff gathered together. The evening party was successfully held in Chang'an International Hotel on January 4.

  This evening party included three parts: appraisal and awards, sales performance commitment, and theatrical performances, as well as children's performances. There was a lot of laughter at the party, so lively!


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