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Give full play to the role of industry associations to promote the development of the plastics industry

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Give full play to the role of industry associations to promote the development of the plastics industry

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2015-05-29 17:42
  • Views:

Give full play to the role of industry associations to promote the development of the plastics industry

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2015-05-29 17:42
  • Views:

  Dear Vice Mayor Mu Zengli of Linyi City, Chairman Liu Fengtian of Shandong Plastics Industry Association, Chairman Tan Fangfeng of Shandong Plastics Company, distinguished guests and friends:

  Good morning everyone. I am extremely happy when the Linyi Plastics Industry Association was established and the first Linyi Plastics Industry Development Seminar was held. On behalf of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association and in my own name, I sincerely wish the Linyi Plastic Industry Association prosperous and prosperous! I wish the seminar a complete success!

  In 2005, the output of plastic products in Shandong Province accounted for 7.18% of the country's total, ranking fourth in the country. The plastic products trading market in Linyi City is booming and has become a regional trading center and an important part of the plastics industry in Shandong Province. The Linyi Plastics Industry Association is one of the few regional plastics industry associations in the country. Its establishment marks a new development period for the Linyi plastics industry and is of great significance for guiding the sustainable and healthy development of the plastics industry in Linyi. I hope that your association will do practical work for the development of the industry and enterprises based on the purpose of serving the industry and enterprises, advocate self-discipline in the industry, work actively, and make new contributions to the progress of my country's plastics industry and local economic growth.

  Next, I would like to talk about my own understanding of "playing the role of industry associations to promote the development of the plastics industry" for your reference.

  1. The industry association is an important intermediary organization that undertakes self-regulatory industry management functions, and an important organizational guarantee for the government to transform its functions

  Industry associations refer to economic organizations engaged in economic activities of the same nature, and non-profit social organizations organized voluntarily in order to maintain common legal economic interests. In the development of the socialist market economy, industry associations play an important and irreplaceable role. The central leadership has pointed out that it is necessary to vigorously cultivate and develop industry associations to serve the socialist market economy. In the report of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Jiang pointed out: First, the power of production and operation of enterprises is given to enterprises; second, the power of macro-control of the national economy is left to the comprehensive economic departments; third, a large number of services, coordination, notarization, supervision, and self-discipline The functions are transferred to social intermediary organizations. The development of industry associations is an important additive for improving and cultivating industry associations to deepen reforms and promote enterprise reforms. The development of the situation increasingly shows the importance and urgency of cultivating and developing industry associations.

  We must actively cultivate and develop industry associations that meet the requirements of the socialist market economy, and assume part of the government's self-regulatory industry management functions that need to be transferred to industry associations. Under the conditions of my country's socialist market economy, the problems existing in the development of industry associations are effectively solved, and the healthy development of industry associations is vigorously promoted, and its positive role is fully exerted. It is conducive to the development of the socialist market economy, the maintenance of market order and the economic interests of the industry; Promote the reform of the administrative management system, promote the transformation of government functions, and improve the ability to control the market economy; it is conducive to adapting to the rules of the World Trade Organization, responding to international trade frictions, and expanding opening to the outside world.

  2. The historical mission and role of industry associations

  Developing industry associations, improving and strengthening industry management, and perfecting industry organizations and management institutions is a complex system project. At present, many problems in industry management have yet to be sorted out, and the organizational function of industry associations has not yet been brought into full play. Only by bold exploration and active development can the development of the association be full of vigor and vitality.

  Industry associations should strengthen their counterparts with higher-level departments, provide good services for the development of the industry, rely on backbone enterprises, organize enterprises in the whole industry, and discuss key issues for the development of industry associations. Trade associations must be democratically organized to give full play to the overall functions of the trade association. The chairman, deputy chairman, and deputy secretary-general must all play their roles.

  At present, industry associations are facing an excellent development opportunity. Cultivating and developing industry associations has become a consensus issue of leaders at all levels. As far as the plastics industry is concerned, the provinces and cities that have not yet established industry associations are actively preparing for the establishment of associations, and the provinces and cities that have established associations are constantly strengthening their own construction to meet the requirements of the government, enterprises and all parties facing the association.

  Industry associations should take civilianization as the direction, take institutional innovation as a breakthrough, and give full play to their functions as the goal, vigorously cultivate and develop new types of industry associations and chambers of commerce, and give full play to industry associations in developing the economy, expanding opening up, improving systems, and coordinating relationships. Standardize behavior, promote the positive role in harmony, and better promote the overall economic and social development of Linyi.

  3. Industry associations should learn from foreign advanced experience to serve the industry and enterprises well

  Industry associations must take service as their purpose, and earnestly represent and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the industry and its members and the common economic interests. Actively organize market development, release market information, and carry out industry training, exchanges, consulting, exhibitions and sales activities. Assist government departments to carry out industry surveys, decision-making consultations, and industrial policy formulation activities. Mediate conflicts and disputes between members, between members and non-members, and between members and consumers objectively and fairly, and play its role in safeguarding public interests. In foreign countries, the national government pays attention to relying on industry associations and playing the role of industry associations. The secret of the success of the association lies in the good cooperative relationship between enthusiastic members and full-time staff. Bureaucracy and arrogant style cannot be tolerated. my country's industry associations are still in their infancy. Association management is a science. How to "connect with foreign industry associations" to better serve the industry and enterprises. It is worthy of consideration by those who have been engaged in the work of the association and those who will be engaged in the work of the association.

  my country’s central leadership and relevant leaders have repeatedly pointed out that it is necessary to learn from the experience of foreign industry management and jointly initiate the establishment of industry associations by enterprises. my country’s industry must be organized according to industry planning, industry organization, industry management, and only departmental management should be changed. There is no state of industry management. In 1993, Premier Zhu said when he talked about industry associations at a meeting: "I think Japan has something to learn from in the establishment of institutions. It is a market economy, but the macro control is also very strict. The Ministry of International Trade and Industry replaced it. We have dozens of departments. It is resolved through thousands of industry associations. These industry associations are regional, composed mainly of enterprises, and are very authoritative. They are responsible for allocating sales to enterprises; The industry association stepped forward to close down factories with poor efficiency, and then other manufacturers in the same industry helped these manufacturers switch to other products; when the supply of products was in short supply, the industry association decided which manufacturer to rebuild, expand, and expand production. This effectively prevented duplicate construction and blind construction. From this point of view, China’s industry associations should also be changed. "I think Premier Zhu’s speech is so profound, and pointed out the way forward for China’s industry associations. If there are more than 290 industry associations in China, Being able to follow the path of establishing an association in Japan will greatly promote the deepening of the reform of state organs, and will avoid or reduce the loss of duplication of construction and investment in the development of the market economy.

  On May 5, 1998, Wu Bangguo said at the symposium on the economic operation situation of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities, "One of the functions of Japanese industry associations is the distribution of markets and the coordination of prices."

  In addition, Vice Premier Li Lanqing’s instructions on “Strong Industry Management and Give Full Play to the Role of Industry Associations” by Lu Dong on August 6, 1998 pointed out: “Associations, industry associations and other organizations are necessary institutions under the socialist market economy, and they are also certain The direction of the reform of government institutions.

  4. Strengthen the organizational construction of the China Plastics Association branch and special committee to serve the enterprise

  As far as I know, there are more than 480 associations in our country; there are thousands of industry associations in Japan, probably more than 1,300. It seems that for a large country like China, these hundreds of associations are not many. The problem is that unequal competition is now also reflected in the associations. Therefore, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued a notice to clean up and rectify the branches and special committees of the association. The China Plastics Association currently has 26 branches. One is integrated and retained on the original basis, such as agricultural film, artificial leather/synthetic leather, polyurethane products, pipes, profiled materials and door and window products, biaxially oriented polypropylene film, biaxially oriented polyester film, composite film Products, PVC rigid board products, foamed plastic EPS, modified, fluoroplastic processing, injection molded products, hollow products, woven products, rigid PVC low-foamed sheets, plastics technical cooperation committee and other 17 branches, not only need to be retained , It needs to be further strengthened. The second is to newly set up 9 branches including plastic water-saving equipment, engineering plastics, degradable plastics, medical plastics, multifunctional master batches, rotational molding, plastic recycling, plastic wood products, and expert committees. Under the leadership of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the China National Light Industry Council, the China Plastics Association must have a leap-forward development in its organizational construction. In the process of gradually strengthening the functions of the industry associations in the country, we will strengthen the organization construction of the China Plastics Association and the ideological construction of the association personnel. With the improvement of business level, we should do our best to serve the industry and enterprises as much as possible, and to better fulfill the historical mission of the industry association in the process of marching into the 21st century.

  China Plastics Processing Industry Association actively implements industry management, gives play to the role of industry associations as a bridge and link, and strengthens international exchanges. It has established liaison relationships with plastics associations in more than a dozen countries or regions, and has conducted technical exchanges with hundreds of foreign plastic group companies. Negotiations with economic and trade; China Plastics Association also sponsored and supported "China Plastics", "Foreign Plastics", "China Plastics Association Newsletter" and other scientific and technological and information publications, and established the "China Plastics Association Information Network (web name www.cppia.com) .cn)" and is building a database of the China Plastics Association. Colleagues are welcome to read these publications and browse the web, and hope to make comments and suggestions, and actively contribute. The purpose is to promote the new development of the national plastics industry through the activities of the Plastics Industry Association.

  Let us work closely with the Linyi Plastics Industry Association and the Shandong Plastics Association. Under the care, attention and guidance of the Linyi Municipal Party Committee, Municipal Government, Municipal Economic and Trade Commission, and Civil Affairs Bureau, to promote the prosperity of Linyi’s industrial economy and the plastics industry Make a certain contribution to healthy development

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