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Teflon tube factory

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Teflon tube factory

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2019-03-20 17:59
  • Views:

Teflon tube factory

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2019-03-20 17:59
  • Views:

  Teflon tube factory


  There are at least a few hundred Teflon tube factories in the country, but there are many types of Teflon tubes, and the products produced by each manufacturer are also different. Teflon tubes have Teflon capillary 30L-0L and some T-type S-types are mainly used for transformers, and Teflon tubes are a kind of middle-wall tube, the main specifications are 2*4 4*6 6*8 8 *10 10*12 12*14……There is also a kind of Teflon tube, which is PTFE tube, which is mainly used to produce some large specifications and thick-walled tubes, such as 30*40 60*80 *90*110, etc. . In addition, Teflon tubes are generally called Teflon tubes in China. PFA tube is also called Teflon tube. If you need more information, you can call our company.

  The Teflon tube is made by mixing PTFE dispersion resin with additives to form a paste. It is subjected to shearing force in a taper die to make the fibers orientate, and is made by drying, high-temperature sintering, and secondary treatment. Into special pipes. According to different needs, it can be made into milky white and translucent.

  【Various excellent characteristics】

  ①. High chemical stability, can withstand all strong acids, including aqua regia, hydrofluoric acid, concentrated hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, fuming sulfuric acid, organic acids, etc., strong alkalis, strong oxidants, reducing agents and various organic solvents. It is very suitable for feeding high-purity chemicals.

  ②. Wide temperature range, can be used in the range of -73℃-+260℃.

  ③. Outstanding non-stick properties, excellent anti-stick properties, and the inner wall of the tube is not easy to adhere to colloids and chemicals.

  ④. High flexibility and resistance to bending.

  ⑤. Excellent anti-aging and anti-radiation performance can be used outdoors for a long time,

  ⑥. Excellent thermal stability, which is extremely valuable. Its limiting oxygen index is above 95. It can only melt on the flame without generating droplets, and it can only be carbonized in the end.

  ⑦. Excellent electrical insulation properties. PTFE is a highly non-polar material with good dielectric properties, extremely high electrical resistance, and a dielectric constant of about 2.0, which is the smallest among all electrical insulation materials, and changes in temperature and frequency It basically does not affect them.

  ⑧. Some tubes have high transparency, and it is easy to observe the internal fluid condition.

  【Product Usage】

  ①. Heat exchanger.

  ②. Transportation of chemical raw materials, pharmaceutical intermediates, and corrosive substances.

  ③. High and low temperature liquid and gas transportation.

  ④. Insulation and heat insulation protection of various electronic and communication components.

  ⑤. Valve core.

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