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Chairman Liao's speech at the China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition

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Chairman Liao's speech at the China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2007-07-02 17:41
  • Views:

Chairman Liao's speech at the China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2007-07-02 17:41
  • Views:

  Dear guests and friends:

  Hello everyone! First of all, on behalf of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association (CPPIA), I am honored to greet friends in the plastics industry and the media, and thank you for your enthusiasm and support to the 21st China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition! "2007 Chinaplas International Exhibition will be held in Guangzhou China Export Commodities Fair Pazhou Complex (Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center) from May 21-24. On this occasion, I will report on the development of China’s plastics industry in 2006 and look forward to 2007. The development trend of the year, and I wish the "2007 Chinaplas" another success and make new contributions to the development of the plastics industry in China and the world.

  2006 is the first year of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan". China's plastics industry has achieved great results in the past year. Various economic indicators have also increased significantly over the previous year. The market demand is strong, reflecting the Chinese plastics industry. The characteristics of the "Sunrise Industry" indicate the strong development momentum of my country's plastics industry during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period.

  1. The status quo of China's plastics industry in 2006

  1. The output of synthetic resin hit a new high, and the growth of plastic machinery was strong

  According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the national synthetic resin output reached 25.287 million tons in 2006, an increase of 17.6% over the previous year. The table below shows that the increase was equivalent to the previous year. Both the production and consumption of raw materials have increased, showing the steady and healthy growth trend of my country's plastic market demand and continuing to move towards the goal of being a plastic powerhouse with a firm pace. We also see that the growth of general-purpose resin production is significantly higher than the growth of consumption, and the degree of dependence on imports is declining.

  Plastic machinery production resumed its strong growth momentum in 2006, reaching 32.47%, which fully shows that my country's plastic machinery industry is gradually gaining momentum in the international market competition. (See Table 1)

Table 1 China's synthetic resin output and growth in 2005 and 2006

project Output in 2005
(10,000 tons)
Year-on-year growth
Output in 2006
(10,000 tons)
Year-on-year growth
Plastic resin and copolymer 2,141.96 18.33 2,528.7 17.6
Polyvinyl chloride resin 649.21 27.6 823.8 23.28
Polyethylene resin 529.05 17.15 599.3 15.04
Polypropylene resin 522.94 12.34 584.1 12.66
Polyester 777.63 14.42 818 2.24
plastic robot 35.32 -5.39 52.6 32.47

  2. The output of plastic products still maintains a double-digit growth, and the main varieties have increased greatly

  In 2006, the output of China's plastic products enterprises above designated size was 28.019 million tons, an increase of 18.68% over the same period of the previous year, and an increase of 6 percentage points over the previous year. Plastic pipes and other plastic products increased by more than 30%, plastic profiles, plastic filaments, and woven products increased by 20%, plastic packaging boxes and containers increased by 18%, and agricultural films increased by 9.6%. (See Table 2)

Table 2: Comparison of the output and growth of plastic products in 2005 and 2006


product name 2005 Nian 2006 Nian
Output (10,000 tons) Year-on-year growth ( % ) Output (10,000 tons) Year-on-year growth ( % )
plastic products 2,198.55 12.92 2801.9 18.68
plastic film 442.2 14.98 528.69 8.27
Of which agricultural film 87.31 20.3 86.15 9.61
Plastic profile (including board and sheet) 236.69 13.28 308.44 20.57
Plastic pipes (including rods) 196.78 22.95 288.14 30.91
Plastic wire and woven products 236.86 23.83 301.28 19.66
Artificial leather 67.33 7.24 83.96 8.24
Synthetic Leather 51.42 9.55 52.78 7.13
Styrofoam 111.25 14.85 113.05 11.25
Plastic boxes and containers 109.02 15.7 148.74 17.92
Daily plastic products 332.32 5.63 301.87 11.06
Other plastic products 414.67 7.34 674.96 30.7

  3. The enterprise is developing towards scale, and the concentration is constantly increasing

  From January to September 2006, there were a total of 12,579 large-scale enterprises in the plastic products industry, realizing main business income of 437.892 billion yuan, an increase of 25.71% over the same period of the previous year. This shows that China's plastic products companies are developing on a large scale, their concentration is gradually increasing, and the overall level of the industry is constantly improving. Therefore, the focus of work in the future will still be on the support of key large enterprises, and a number of large enterprises must be cultivated.

  4. Major economic indicators increased by more than 25% year-on-year (see Table 3)


Table 3: The main economic indicators of the national plastic products industry in 2005 and January-November 2006


Names of main economic indicators 2005 Nian 2006 Nian 1-11 Yue
Amount (100 million yuan) Year-on-year growth ( % ) Amount (100 million yuan) Year-on-year growth ( % )
Total output value (current price) 4997.99 25.81 5714.94 25.83
Main business income 4846.91 25.97 5,507.71 24.78
Total profit and tax 325.07 27.46 365.07 28.29
Total profit 206.32 30.16 234.99 32.34

  5. Customs import and export of plastic products (see Table 4) Table 4: Import and export of plastic products from January to November 2006


Bulletin of Customs Import and Export of Plastic Products
years Customs export Customs import
Accumulated this month
(100 million yuan)
Year-on-year growth (%) Accumulated this month
(100 million yuan)
Year-on-year growth
January-December 2005 166.04 30 82.9 17.26
2006 Nian 1-11 Yue 184.83 23.13 87.56 17.41

  2. Outlook of China's Plastics Industry in 2007

  According to the forecasts of relevant experts, driven by the huge potential domestic demand, my country's national economy can still maintain steady and rapid growth in 2007. Under the background of slowing economic growth in the United States, Europe, and Japan, exports will continue to grow, but the growth rate will also slow down accordingly, and imports will expand due to the appreciation of the renminbi. Affected by this, the plastic products industry will maintain sustained and rapid growth driven by strong domestic demand and exports, and will achieve tremendous development during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, further narrowing the distance with developed countries. With my country's emphasis on the development of a conservation-oriented circular economy and the development of environmental protection industries under the policy environment, the application fields of my country's plastics industry have further expanded and played a greater role.

  The 20th China International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition held in Shanghai in 2006 came to a successful conclusion and set a new historical record. The actual exhibition area reached 92,000 square meters, with more than 1,400 Chinese and foreign exhibitors from more than 10 countries and regions. Show their latest equipment and technology. During the "2007 Chinaplas", the organizer/co-organizer will serve our customers wholeheartedly, and will organize China-India plastic industry cooperation and development international forums, technical exchange reports, new product promotion conferences and other industry information promotion conferences with rich content and various forms . I am convinced that the "2007 Chinaplas" will greatly promote the development of the long-standing partnership and cooperation between China and European, American, Asian, African, and Australian countries and related plastics associations.

  We will firmly promote the continuous progress of good relations in the international plastics industry, and make due contributions to the stable and prosperous development of the global plastics industry. On this occasion, on behalf of the China Plastics Association (CPPIA), I once again wish the "2007 Chinaplas" more and more prosperous!

  Thanks to all the guests and reporters from various media who participated in today's press conference!

January 31, 2007

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