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Technological progress promotes the growth of plastic exports

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Technological progress promotes the growth of plastic exports

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2015-01-02 17:16
  • Views:

Technological progress promotes the growth of plastic exports

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:FEP tube lady
  • Origin:FEP tube lady
  • Time of issue:2015-01-02 17:16
  • Views:

  From January to December 2014, my country's exports of plastic products maintained a small increase, and diversification, specialization and multi-functionalization have become the development direction of plastic products. Industry insiders said that at present, the low concentration of my country's plastics industry and the contradiction of product homogeneity restrict the development of the industry, and changing the development model has become a key issue that needs to be solved urgently in the plastics industry.

  The export volume of plastic products rose slightly

  According to the latest statistics from the General Administration of Customs, the cumulative export of plastic products from January to December 2014 was 9.51 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 6.1%.

  According to industry insiders, there are two reasons for the continuous growth of my country's plastic products exports in the whole year of 2014. On the one hand, the development of the domestic industry and adequate supply have provided a solid foundation for export growth. The output of plastic products in my country has always been in the forefront of the world rankings. Among them, the output of many plastic products has ranked first in the world. For example, the production and sales of polyurethane products account for more than 40% of the total global output, and the scale of production and consumption ranks first in the world. my country has become the world Large country producing plastic products.

  On the other hand, the continuous expansion of application areas supports the steady increase in exports of plastic products. With the continuous emergence of new materials, new equipment, and new processes, plastic products are developing in the direction of diversification, specialization and multi-function, and the application fields continue to expand. Daily necessities, automobiles, packaging, medical, electronic appliances and other industries demand Rapid growth.

  According to forecasts, global plastic consumption is expected to exceed 500 million tons in 2016. In the field of plastic products terminal, consumer electronics is expected to become the fastest-growing market for plastic demand, with an annual growth rate of 9%. In terms of medical equipment, from 2012 to 2018, the global demand for medical polymer materials will continue to rise at an annual growth rate of 5.6%. In terms of automotive plastics, global automotive plastic consumption will maintain an annual growth rate of 13.4% in the next five years, and its market value will surge from US$21.617 billion in 2012 to US$46.112 billion in 2018.

  The plastic industry urgently needs to change the development model

  Although my country's exports of plastic products have grown rapidly, they are also facing some pressure. The reporter learned that the plastics industry is gradually facing increasing pressure from neighboring countries. With the continuous rise of domestic labor costs, my country has long built traditional industrial advantages with low labor prices compared with Vietnam, India and other countries. Is gradually losing.

  At the same time, the low concentration of the plastics industry and the contradiction of product homogeneity restrict the healthy development of the plastics industry. At present, the overall performance of my country's plastic products industry is low industrial concentration, scattered productivity, low degree of specialized production, and low deep processing ratio. The problem of low concentration of plastic enterprises is the main reason for the excessive production of similar plastic products in my country, the overproduction of low-end products, and fierce competition, which has led to the small profit operation of the industry as a whole.

  It is understood that my country’s plastics industry generally implements extensive management, forming a situation where the factories are fighting for themselves, the villages are fighting for themselves, and the products are being promoted. This has caused overheated investment in basic equipment of local enterprises and irrational growth in the production of low-value products. Industry insiders said that at present, the domestic plastics industry is still at a low-level development stage, and the quality and added value of the products are generally not high, which only meets the general consumer needs of foreign countries. In addition, the technological development level of the domestic plastics industry is generally not high, and there is still a big gap between the advanced level of foreign countries in technological innovation and technological research and development. Changing the development model has become a key issue to be solved urgently in the plastics industry.

  In addition, product quality standards are increasingly restricting the export of plastic products. Since the European Union meeting in June 2014 passed the "Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive" amendments, my country's plastic bag exports to the EU have become more stringent. The amendment to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive puts forward stricter regulations on the packaging and use of products. The amendment requires the EU member states to reduce the amount of lightweight plastics by 50% by 2017 based on the 2010 data. Bags (plastic bags with a thickness of 10 micrometers to 49 micrometers), reduce the number of lightweight plastic bags by 80% by 2019.

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