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Tribute to the wind and rain, marching into the Year of the Ox "Shenzhen Dankai Technology 2021 New Year Party will be successfully held in Shenzhen

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Tribute to the wind and rain, marching into the Year of the Ox "Shenzhen Dankai Technology 2021 New Year Party will be successfully held in Shenzhen

  • Categories:News
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2021-07-20 13:52
  • Views:

Tribute to the wind and rain, marching into the Year of the Ox "Shenzhen Dankai Technology 2021 New Year Party will be successfully held in Shenzhen

  • Categories:News
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2021-07-20 13:52
  • Views:
2020 is over! Some hurried, some anxious, some unexpected!
2020 is over! Some are at a loss, some are at a loss, some are reluctant!
The year 2020 is over. For us, Shenzhen Dankai, it is summed up as "Salute the wind and rain and advance into the Year of the Ox".
Tribute to the wind and rain. 2020 is an extraordinary year. Affected by the epidemic this year, let our lives start again. From the beginning of the year until now, the epidemic has not disappeared. This year was full of opportunities and challenges, and this year was also full of rewards.
  Enter the Year of the Ox. The winter is over, the galaxy is bright, and everything is going well in the new year. In 2021, we have made a full-year plan, and we have to be stricter on ourselves on the same basis as in 2020. The plan must be put in place and the direction must be clear. We live up to our future, and we are ready for the future!
On January 16, 2021, Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. held the 2021 New Year Party with the theme "Salute the Wind and Rain and Advance into the Year of the Ox" in Shenzhen, Guangdong. The main content includes: speeches by company leaders, 2020 work report and 2021 development plan and work deployment, commendation of advanced (excellent team, excellent middle-level, outstanding employees, ten-year meritorious employees, five-year meritorious employees, etc.), speeches by employee representatives, Performances, sweepstakes, games and dinners.
The company's President Fu, Li, and the leaders of the brother company and all employees attended the meeting. This meeting was presided over by Mr. Li. In particular, due to the impact of the epidemic, the annual meeting was held simultaneously with a combination of online and offline. Some employees participate through online videos.
Mr. Fu first gave a speech. He sent New Year blessings to everyone and thanked all employees for their hard work to the company this year. He said that the development of the company is inseparable from the efforts of every employee, and all honors and achievements belong to every Dankai person. Dankai will have its 10th anniversary on January 24, 2021. In the past ten years, the company has had zero production safety accidents; over the past ten years, the company’s sales have continued to grow; over the past ten years, the industry has seen improvement. And made the 2020 annual work report, 2021 development plan and work deployment.
Secondly, Mr. Li also shared some of his insights and experience in working and living in the Teflon tube industry since 1998, which has moved and encouraged everyone. I wish you all a happy Chinese New Year in advance and a happy family.
Third, Mr. Li announced the commendation decision, commending advanced groups and individuals in 2020 (excellent team, outstanding middle-level, outstanding employees, ten-year meritorious employees, five-year meritorious employees, etc.). For the 10th anniversary of Shenzhen Dankai’s establishment, the majority of employees are united and forge ahead, and bravely climbed the peak. Some employees have been ten years or even longer. In order to better inherit Dankai’s collective spirit, appropriate awards and certificates of honor and prizes/prizes were awarded. /Gold memorial ring.
Fourth, some employees carefully prepared performances and games. Happy work and happy life are our common pursuit. Afterwards, a lottery, games and dinner were held.
The successful holding of this annual meeting on the theme of "Tribute to the Wind and Rain and Advance into the Year of the Ox" not only enhanced the company's internal cohesion, but also enhanced the communication, exchange and teamwork awareness between employees and leaders, and also enriched the corporate culture.
New year, new journey, new dreams, I wish Shenzhen Dankai Science and Technology to be a big bull in 2021. I wish our partners (customers) a happy Chinese New Year, a happy family, a prosperous business and an arrogance!

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