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The difference between F4 and F46

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The difference between F4 and F46

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2019-05-20 09:48
  • Views:

The difference between F4 and F46

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2019-05-20 09:48
  • Views:

  Speaking of the difference between F4 and F46, I have to introduce to you what F4 and F46 are. Then I will teach you the distinction from the product itself, its functions and application areas.

  First introduce F4 to everyone

  English abbreviation: PTFE

  Chinese name: polytetrafluoroethylene

  Chinese alias: PTFE/Teflon/Teflon/teflon/Teflon/4F/King of Plastics

  English name: Polytetrafluoroethylene (English abbreviation is Teflon or [PTFE, F4])

  There is a material in chemistry called polytetrafluoroethylene, whose molecular formula is (C2F4)n. F is the abbreviation of fluorine in the periodic table of the chemical elements. From this, it can be easily inferred that F4 is the abbreviation of polytetrafluoroethylene. This F4 is confused with the other "F4".

  F4 is a kind of material that is resistant to acids, alkalis, and various organic solvents. It is almost insoluble in all solvents. Therefore, F4 is insoluble, insoluble, non-sealing, and non-welding.

  PTFE has the characteristics of high temperature resistance, high temperature resistance can reach 260 ℃, PTFE has a very low coefficient of friction, so it is not only used for lubrication, but also becomes an ideal coating for easy cleaning of the inner layer of water pipes.


  F-46 Polyperfluoroethylene Propylene is a fluoroplastic developed to overcome the disadvantages of poor processing and molding properties of PTFE.

  It is a copolymer of polytetrafluoroethylene (F4) and polyhexafluoropropylene (F-6). Polytetrafluoroethylene propylene (F4) is a synthetic polymer material that uses fluorine to replace all hydrogen atoms in polyethylene. The famous application of polytetrafluoroethylene (F4) is the outer wall material of the Water Cube, which is the largest intensive use in the world.

  The high temperature resistance of F-46 is 200 ℃, except that the use temperature is slightly lower than that of polytetrafluoroethylene (F4), it almost maintains all its excellent properties. Polyperfluoroethylene propylene (F-46) F-46 is soluble, sealable, weldable, and has high thermal fluidity. It can be processed and molded by general thermoplastics, such as molding, extrusion, injection molding, etc., or Made into anti-corrosion coating.

  Therefore, F-46 is widely used in petrochemical anticorrosion projects.

  In summary, there are two differences between F4 and F46

  1. High temperature resistance

  F4 high temperature resistance 260℃

  F46 high temperature resistance 200℃

  2. Different solubility

  F4 is insoluble, non-sealing, non-welding

  F46 is soluble, sealable, and weldable

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