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"Dankai Cup" first employee basketball game and tug-of-war game ended successfully

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"Dankai Cup" first employee basketball game and tug-of-war game ended successfully

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2016-03-05 16:22
  • Views:

"Dankai Cup" first employee basketball game and tug-of-war game ended successfully

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2016-03-05 16:22
  • Views:

  2016 is another year full of hope. Although the recovery of the fluoroplastics industry is slow, Dankai utilizes newly added production lines and innovation platforms to ensure the steady progress of various tasks in a timely manner. In order to give full play to the team spirit of Dankai employees, enhance corporate cohesion and the pride of Dankai people, and enrich employees’ amateur cultural and sports life, the company’s administrative and personnel department launched in February 2016 while completing work tasks in a fast-paced and efficient manner. On the 26th, the first “Dankai Cup” employee basketball game, women’s spot shooting game and tug-of-war competition were held consecutively.

  Various departments and production workshops of the company responded positively and organized participating teams to participate in the competition. The competition is full of vigor and enthusiasm, cheering teams outside the competition are even more enthusiastic, cheering and shouting one after another, so that the atmosphere of the competition continues to heat up. During the nearly 30-day competition, all the participating athletes from Dankai Company fully demonstrated the superb personal athletics level and the tacit unity of team cooperation, embodying the spirit of "being masters, daring to assume responsibility, sharing the same breath, and sharing destiny". The style, the level, and the feelings are deepened.

  A total of 4 teams participated in the employee basketball game. After fierce competition, the production management department won the championship. Who said that women are inferior to men? Women do not let their beards, Dankai Women's Show Heroes! Women's fixed-point shooting competition fully reflects Dankai women's ability, boldness and domineering, after 24 people, 9 rounds of competition, and finally the Administration Department Zhang Wenli won the championship.

  "One chopstick is easy to break, but ten chopsticks are difficult to break." The tug-of-war competition employees actively participated. After 5 rounds of elimination, the casing workshop and the injection molding workshop won the championship and runner-up.

  Through a series of sports competitions, not only enriched the amateur cultural and sports life of Dankai employees, but also ignited the enthusiasm and confidence of the majority of employees to devote themselves to Dankai's work. In the future, Dankai will continue to enrich employees' cultural and sports life and promote employees' physical and mental health as the starting point, carry out more and more colorful cultural and sports activities on a regular and fixed-point basis, realize the normalization and institutionalization of healthy cultural and sports activities, and consolidate the company's corporate culture. Build a foundation to promote a more sustainable, healthy and vigorous development of Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd.!

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