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Adapt to the new normal and create a new situation in the plastics industry

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Adapt to the new normal and create a new situation in the plastics industry

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2016-03-01 17:47
  • Views:

Adapt to the new normal and create a new situation in the plastics industry

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2016-03-01 17:47
  • Views:

Cao Jian, Executive Vice Chairman of China Plastics Processing Industry Association

Dear leaders, guests, ladies and gentlemen:

  good morning, everyone!

  Today, under the organization and leadership of Chairman Zhuang Su and Secretary-General Chen Sheng, the Fluoroplastics Special Committee of the China Plastics Association, through the active organization of the Secretariat of the Fluoroplastics Special Committee, and the support of many units present, every two years The "China International Fluoroplastics Processing and Development Forum" was held as scheduled in the ancient city of Xi'an with a long history. On behalf of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, I would like to express to the guests from the United States, Italy, Japan, South Korea, India, Belgium and other countries. Warm welcome! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the guests who participated in the forum from all over the country. Through you, I would also like to express my cordial greetings to the employees who have worked hard in the fluoroplastics industry! And I would like to express my warm congratulations to the convening of the conference!

  1. The fluorine plastic products industry is developing steadily with the development of the plastic industry

  In 2015, my country's economic development entered a new normal, and it was shifting from high-speed growth to medium-high-speed growth, and the mode of economic development was shifting from extensive growth based on scale and speed to intensive growth based on quality and efficiency. With the support of a series of national macroeconomic policies, the plastics processing industry has achieved stable and healthy development. From January to June 2015, the output of plastic products from 7140 enterprises was 34.807 million tons, an increase of 1.46% year-on-year. The cumulative export delivery value of enterprises above designated size in the plastic products industry is 106.257 billion yuan. Statistics from the General Administration of Customs show that the cumulative export volume of plastic products nationwide was 7.9985 million tons, an increase of 4.7% over the same period last year; the export value was US$29.255 billion, an increase of 3.53% over the same period last year.

  Fluoroplastics is a fast-growing field in the plastics industry. As one of the important supporting materials for the country's key development of strategic emerging industries, fluoroplastics new materials have achieved rapid development during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period. We are pleased to see that the consumption of PTFE resin by fluoroplastics processing enterprises in 2014 increased by 15.29% compared with 2013, and the output of PTFE products increased by 13.11% compared with 2013. In 2014, the output of PTFE in China's domestic enterprises was approximately 85,000 tons, an increase of 17.98% over 2013.

  With the continuous development of my country's economy, the new economic development policy will surely promote the development of the plastics processing industry to a higher level of industrial consumption. We believe that China's plastics processing industry will continue to develop healthily.

  2. Implement "Made in China 2025" and promote the sustainable development of the fluoroplastics industry

  "Made in China 2025" is my country's action plan for the first ten years of implementing the strategy of a manufacturing powerhouse. Implementing "Made in China 2025", speeding up the transformation and upgrading, and promoting the manufacturing industry to grow stronger are important tasks during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. One is to strengthen the basic capabilities of the industry. Weak industrial foundation capabilities such as core basic components (components), advanced basic technology, key basic materials, and industrial technology foundation are the crux of restricting the innovative development and quality improvement of my country's manufacturing industry. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of problem orientation, integration of production and demand, collaborative innovation, and key breakthroughs, and strive to break the bottleneck restricting the development of key industries. The second is to improve scientific and technological innovation capabilities. Speed ​​up major scientific and technological projects and industry-specific technological breakthroughs, and accelerate the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. Improve key links, key areas and corporate innovation capabilities. The third is the deep integration of industrialization and informatization, with the focus on advancing intelligent manufacturing. Cultivate the five key points of intelligent manufacturing: digital R&D and design, embedded products of electronic information technology, numerical control of manufacturing equipment, intelligent control of manufacturing process, and digital network of manufacturing service chain. The fourth is to strengthen quality brand building. Improve quality control technology, improve quality management mechanisms, lay a solid foundation for quality development, optimize the environment for quality development, and strive to achieve substantial improvements in manufacturing quality. Encourage enterprises to pursue excellent quality, form brand-name products with independent intellectual property rights, and continuously enhance the corporate brand value and the overall image of Made in China. The fifth is to fully implement green manufacturing. Increase the research and development of advanced energy-saving and environmental protection technologies, processes and equipment, accelerate the green transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry; actively promote low-carbonization, recycling and intensification, and improve the efficiency of manufacturing resources; strengthen the green management of the product life cycle, and strive to build high efficiency , Clean, low-carbon and circular green manufacturing system. Sixth, we will vigorously promote breakthrough development in key areas. Aiming at the strategic priorities of the new generation of information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, biomedicine, etc., guide the agglomeration of various resources in the society, and promote the rapid development of advantageous and strategic industries.

  Fluoroplastics, which enjoys the reputation of "King of Plastics", play an irreplaceable role in industry, construction, transportation, aerospace and high-tech fields with their excellent performance, and are one of the pillar industries of modernization. As a new material, fluoroplastics is a key development area of ​​"Made in China 2025". Strengthening the industry's basic capacity building, improving product quality and stability, and promoting product breakthroughs in key areas are the keys to the sustainable development of the fluoroplastics industry.

  3. Enhance international exchanges and cooperation, and promote the rapid development of the industry

  At present, China has become the world's largest producer and consumer of fluororesin. With the increase of international exchanges and cooperation, Chinese fluoroplastic products of high quality and low price have attracted the favor of the international market. Chinese products have not only rapidly expanded their share in the international low-end market, but more and more products have entered the high-end field, while export products tend to be diversified. The international growth has also attracted many well-known foreign companies to participate in the production of fluororesin in China, and many fluoroplastic products have entered China in supporting forms. With the increase in demand in the international market, the export volume of China's fluoroplastic products is also increasing.

  Although my country's fluoroplastics processing industry is developing rapidly and new products and new processes are constantly emerging, if Chinese companies want to maintain their advantages in the fierce market competition, they must also strengthen corporate management, reduce energy consumption, and adopt large-scale and professional The road to globalization, strengthen the alliance and collaboration of the same industry and related industries, and learn advanced foreign technology and management concepts of advanced enterprises. The biennial international forum organized by our Fluoroplastics Committee has made significant contributions to promoting the development of the fluoroplastics processing industry and related industries. Through domestic and foreign exchanges and learning, we not only understand the development trends of fluoroplastics processing in the world, but also make many like-minded collaborators, which has promoted the rapid development of fluoroplastics processing technology in my country, and also promoted the development of upstream and downstream industries. .

  Colleagues! Friends! The world-oriented plastics industry is booming, with opportunities and challenges coexisting. We must conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, we must achieve a well-off level in an all-round way in 2020. At present, my country's economic development has entered a "new normal", and the plastics processing industry is entering a new stage of transformation of development mode, structural adjustment and industrial upgrading. We must give full play to the role of industry associations to promote the sustainable development of the plastics industry. I believe that through the joint efforts of everyone, my country's fluoroplastics industry will achieve greater results in product transformation and upgrading, green production, and simultaneous development of corporate and social benefits, and strive to achieve greater breakthroughs during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. Let us be full of confidence, unite and forge ahead, seek common development, and work with plastics companies from all over the world to create a new situation in the plastics industry and welcome a more brilliant tomorrow!

  On this occasion, on behalf of the China Plastics Association, I wish this international forum a complete success! I wish the guests from all countries a prosperous and prosperous career! I wish all representatives good health and smooth work!

  thank you all.

  November 2, 2015

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