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Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the 7th Council Enlargement Meeting of the Fifth Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association

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Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the 7th Council Enlargement Meeting of the Fifth Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2018-11-05 16:32
  • Views:

Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. participated in the 7th Council Enlargement Meeting of the Fifth Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2018-11-05 16:32
  • Views:

  On October 27, 2018, the 7th Council Enlarged Meeting of the Fifth Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association was held in Nanjing, the beautiful ancient capital. Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. and representatives of nearly fifty governing units, as well as representatives of some member units, attended the meeting, with 110 participants. Cao Jian, vice chairman of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, attended the meeting.


The meeting was chaired by Zhuang Su, director of Beijing Institute of Plastics.


  First of all, Cao Jian, vice chairman of the China Plastics Processing Industry Association, gave a speech. Chairman Cao analyzed the development trend and development direction of the entire industry from the development of the plastics industry and the opportunities and challenges brought by national policies to the fluoroplastics industry. We must give full play to the role of industry associations, strive to create a new situation in the plastics industry, and strive to achieve greater breakthroughs during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period.


  Wang Jianzhong, Acting Chairman of the Fluoroplastics Processing Professional Committee of China Plastics Association, gave a report entitled "New Situation, New Opportunities, Solidly Promoting the Building of a Powerful Fluoroplastics Manufacturing Country". Chairman Wang analyzed the current development of the fluoroplastics industry and the future The new opportunities faced during the period pointed out that through the continuous development and growth of key enterprises in the industry and the comprehensive expansion and deepening of the application field of fluoroplastic products, we will solidly promote the construction of a strong country in fluoroplastics manufacturing.


  Chen Sheng, Secretary-General of the Fluoroplastics Processing Committee of China Plastics Association, reported on the work of the Fluoroplastics Committee in 2018. Secretary-General Chen mainly discussed the development of the industry, carried out standardization work, prepared and held related meetings, and prepared for the 2018 China International Plastics Exhibition. , Xing Fluor Salon activities and visits to enterprises and other aspects have made specific reports, and put forward the next work arrangements.


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