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Dankai Company launched a series of trainings to build a platform for employee growth

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Dankai Company launched a series of trainings to build a platform for employee growth

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2015-09-25 16:09
  • Views:

Dankai Company launched a series of trainings to build a platform for employee growth

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss Teflon tube
  • Origin:Miss Teflon tube
  • Time of issue:2015-09-25 16:09
  • Views:

  On September 20, 2016, a training session with the theme of "Responsibility and Teamwork" kicked off the annual intensive training of Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. The centralized training adopts a combination of external lecturers and internal training lecturers, and 2 days a week are allocated for 2 months to concentrate on recharging all employees.

  Human capital is the first resource for the survival and development of an enterprise. Shenzhen Dankai Technology Co., Ltd. has been moving forward steadily in the past few years and has become a leading enterprise in the fluoroplastic casing industry thanks to a team of high-quality talents. The company adheres to the concept of "the company builds a platform, everyone will share", tailor-made career plans for each employee, and implement a mentor system to guide and train talents to build a ladder for talents; the company follows "Love Dankai, be the master, The win-win concept of "same development and common prosperity" has designed and implemented a scientific and reasonable wide-ranging salary for each post, which has built a broad platform for the growth of talents; formed a group of talents to absorb, train, promote, and reserve a group of talents. The virtuous circle of the company has injected enough motive power for the company’s development.

  In Dankai Company, training has become normal. New employee pre-job training, monthly technical business and system and process training continue to be carried out, and annual training is a major link in intensive supply to improve comprehensive management capabilities. This annual training starts with the sense of responsibility for employees, from the responsibility of each position to the improvement of the awareness and methods of raising responsibility, etc., the "five degrees" of responsibility (height, depth, width, popularity, difficulty), and the description Detailed and practical. Afterwards, training courses such as "Required Code for Excellent Professionals", "Human Resource Management for Non-Human Resource Managers", "Management Art and Methods", "How to Communicate Efficiently", and "Multiple Benefits of Process Reengineering" will be carried out one after another.

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