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Advance notice on the selection and recognition of "outstanding enterprises" and "advanced individuals" in China's plastics industry during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period

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Advance notice on the selection and recognition of "outstanding enterprises" and "advanced individuals" in China's plastics industry during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2016-08-29 17:48
  • Views:

Advance notice on the selection and recognition of "outstanding enterprises" and "advanced individuals" in China's plastics industry during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period

  • Categories:Industry news
  • Author:PFA tube lady
  • Origin:PFA tube lady
  • Time of issue:2016-08-29 17:48
  • Views:

  All branches of the association, all local associations, and all relevant units:

  During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan", my country's plastics industry has developed rapidly and has ranked first in the world. In order to commend the units and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of China's plastics industry during the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, our association has decided to select outstanding enterprises and advanced individuals in China's plastics industry after research. The selection method is now announced as follows:

  1. Awards

  1. "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Outstanding Enterprise in China's Plastics Industry

  2. "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" Advanced Individuals in China's Plastics Industry

  2. Selection Principles

  1. Adhere to the principles of fairness, openness and justice;

  2. Comprehensive evaluation based on the excellent deeds reported by the recommended units and individuals;

  3. Insist on seeking truth from facts, if any fraud is found, the appraisal qualification will be cancelled.

  3. Selection scope

  1. Member units and individuals of China Plastics Processing Industry Association;

  2. Members and individuals of local plastic industry associations (chambers of commerce).

  4. Selection method

  1. Adopt a combination of recommendation and self-recommendation;

  2. Recommendations from various departments and branches of the association. In principle, the recommended quota does not exceed 5 units and 5 individuals;

  3. All local plastic industry associations can recommend their member companies and individuals. In principle, the recommended quota should not exceed 2 units and 2 individuals;

  4. Self-recommendation is limited to member units of China Plastics Processing Industry Association. In principle, the number of self-recommended places should not exceed 10 units. Self-recommendation, if it is the recommended unit, is recommended;

  5. All recommended and self-recommended units and individuals must submit the "Twelfth Five-Year" China Plastics Industry Excellent Enterprise Recommendation Form and the "Twelfth Five-Year" China Plastics Industry Advanced Individual Recommendation Form to our association before September 30, 2016 Secretariat;

  6. Organize selection and research to determine the list of "Excellent Enterprises in China's Plastics Industry during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan" and "Advanced Individuals in China's Plastics Industry during the Twelfth Five-Year Plan";

  7. After the list is confirmed, it will be published on the China Plastics Association website (www.cppia.com.cn). The publicity period is 7 working days. If there is any objection, it shall be submitted to the secretariat of the association during the publicity period.

  5. Selection conditions:

  (1) Selection conditions for excellent enterprises

  1. The enterprise strictly abides by the relevant national laws and regulations; consciously fulfills social responsibilities, operates legally, pays taxes in accordance with the law, strictly manages, and is honest and trustworthy;

  2. During the "Twelfth Five-Year Plan" period, the company has actively achieved transformation and upgrading, with outstanding scientific and technological innovation achievements; achieved safe production, abided by environmental protection laws and regulations, and sustained stable production; the annual average growth rate of output, output value, and profit and tax shall not be lower than the average development level of the industry, and the economy Significant increase in benefits;

  3. The company has famous brand products (at least the prefecture-level or above famous brand title or national well-known trademark), and the product quality conforms to national standards; there is no history of producing or selling counterfeit and shoddy products, no major product claims, no records of dishonesty, etc. ;

  4. Comply with the "Articles of Association of China Plastics Processing Industry Association" and various regulations and conventions; fulfill membership obligations and actively support participation in major activities of the association.

  (2) Selection conditions for advanced individuals

  1. Strictly abide by and implement relevant national laws and regulations; love the party, patriotism, hard work, dedication, and abide by the law;

  2. It has a certain influence and reputation in the industry, and the enterprises under its management have a certain scale and market competitiveness, and make a great contribution to the development of the industry.

  3. Enthusiastic about the work of the association. Care about and actively participate in association activities and other related work, and offer suggestions and suggestions for it.

  4. Have a dedication spirit. Actively participate in industry work, work hard to complete the work arranged by the association, and give strong support in industry activities.

  5. Have a role model and take the lead. Actively lead the unit to participate in various activities of the association, supervise the unit to consciously abide by the association's constitution and regulations, give play to its due role in the industry association, and play an exemplary and leading role in the construction and development of the association.

  6. Advanced individuals from scientific research institutes and local industry associations (commercials) can refer to the above four items, their contribution to the development of the plastics industry, and their enthusiasm for the plastics industry.

  6. Recognition method

  Certificates of honor will be awarded to the selected "outstanding enterprises" and "advanced individuals."

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