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Dankai organizes employees to participate in outreach training

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Dankai organizes employees to participate in outreach training

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2012-08-22 14:51
  • Views:

Dankai organizes employees to participate in outreach training

  • Categories:Company dynamics
  • Author:Miss PTFE tube
  • Origin:Miss PTFE tube
  • Time of issue:2012-08-22 14:51
  • Views:

  On August 12, 2012, our company organized employees to participate in the expansion training in Longhua base organized by Shenzhen Fujia Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

  Expansion training is also called experiential training. Only through personal experience can you truly feel it. The themes of the training are: mind gathering and team melting. All employees are divided into two teams, each team elects a leader, a team name, team training, and team song.

  On the first day of the venue project, we participated in activities such as "Trusted Back Fall", "Jointly Crossing the Bridge", "Love in the Net", "Escape Wall" and other activities. In these activities, the trust and responsibility of the team, collaboration, communication and cohesion are embodied. Especially in the "Escape Wall" activity, facing a 4-meter-high wall without any auxiliary tools, a team of 30 people had to climb from one side of this wall to the other. Those employees who are willing to dedicate and support their team members with their shoulders are so commendable! The company is proud of having such employees, applaud them!

  At the bonfire party in the evening, everyone sang heartily, sweating, and spent a pleasant night.

  The field training on the second day was conducted in the beautiful Yangtai Mountain. Fu Jia STT series of courses challenge 1201, the purpose is to build a super team. This day is full of competition. In the real society, competition is everywhere. These activities let us see the shortcomings in team building, the weak links that need to be strengthened and exercised. In the project "Dam Speed ​​Drop", it is necessary to quickly slide down from a 25-meter dam. The bottom of the dam is river water. Faced with such a challenge, none of the members of the two teams flinched, and they bravely accepted the challenge, including the height-fearing team members and the younger sister born in the 90s. In the afternoon, "Zha Raft Swimming" was carried out on the water. Members of the two teams are actively participating, arranging bamboo rafts by themselves, and organizing and coordinating the division of work among the team members. The process was full of competition and challenges, and both teams accomplished their tasks brilliantly.

  Following the conclusion of the leader's speech, the two-day extension training ended. Through this training, team building has been strengthened, understanding and communication have increased, and the relationship between colleagues has deepened, leaving everyone with permanent memories and feelings and benefiting a lot.

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